Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Charlotte, NC, Realtors Offer Condominiums Instead of Apartments

Charlotte, North Carolina, is a bustling city, the largest in the state and one of the largest in the nation.  Between the successful financial district and the many theaters and cultural events in the city, Charlotte is worth bragging about.  Financial institutions gravitate to Charlotte, with both the East Cost operations of Wells Fargo and the national headquarters of Bank of America filling prominent rolls in the financial district.  Measured in assets, Charlotte is the second largest financial district in the United States, second only to New York.  High rise buildings fill the skyline and thousands of people who work in the heart of the city strive to live nearby to avoid a morning commute.  With so much to offer, it's no wonder that so many people, over 775,000, call Uptown charlotte real estate.   

Renting is a waste of money, as everyone knows.  Rent doesn't decrease any debt and the monthly obligation never stops, like a payment to nowhere.  The building owner can choose to sell at any time, perhaps evicting all the residents that live there, changing the rules or raising the rent as long as they provide proper notice.  No portion of the rent is ever returned, even when a family moves after a decade of residence.  Single family homes in big cities can be very expensive and families in an apartment may not be able to afford to move or may not see another alternative.  They may believe an apartment is the only affordable option for living in the heart of the city.

The two extremes, an expensive single family home and a lower-cost apartment, aren't the only options and there is a middle ground.  Although they may look the same on the outside, Penthouses in charlotte nc are built to different specifications.  For example, condos have to have an appropriate air gap between units and quality walls, making them quieter than their for-rent cousins, and those living in condos are considered homeowners.   

The monthly payment on a condo is mortgage, not rent, even though the community has groundskeepers and amenities much like an apartment complex.  Every month, that payment slowly chips away at the principle and eventually the debt will be paid.  The equity accumulated with every payment means that when the family moves, they will have something to cover the costs of moving or possibly put a down payment on another place.

Everyone needs a place to live and the needs of the family residence vary with the family. While some people prioritize a large backyard or a second story, those who prefer to live in the heart of the city have different priorities.  Rather than throwing money away on rent, any family that has chosen apartment living for the convenience it offers should consider gaining equity by buying a condo instead.  Achieving homeownership without losing the convenience urban dwellers have come to expect might be a simple matter of contacting one of Condos in charlotte nc qualified realtors.

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